ArticleLevel of satisfaction with positive leisure time And its relation to psychological well-being and some demographic characteristics for the elderly
ArticleLevel of satisfaction with positive leisure time And its relation to psychological well-being and some demographic characteristics for the elderly
ArticleThe Impact of Loneliness and Resilience on Quality of Life among Elderly Living in Geriatric Homes
ArticleThe Impact of Loneliness and Resilience on Quality of Life among Elderly Living in Geriatric Homes
ArticleThe impact of a group recreational games upon the quality of Social life and psychological depression among the elderly
ArticleThe impact of a group recreational games upon the quality of Social life and psychological depression among the elderly
ArticleThe impact of a group recreational games upon the quality of Social life and psychological depression among the elderly
ArticleThe impact of a group recreational games upon the quality of Social life and psychological depression among the elderly
ArticleCounseling Intervention for Enhancing Physical Health and Subjective Well-Being Among Elderly With Chronic Illness at Geriatric Homes
ArticleCounseling Intervention for Enhancing Physical Health and Subjective Well-Being Among Elderly With Chronic Illness at Geriatric Homes
ArticleLife Satisfaction, Mental Wellbeing and Social Participation Among Elderly Before and During COVID 19 Pandemic
ArticleLife Satisfaction, Mental Wellbeing and Social Participation Among Elderly Before and During COVID 19 Pandemic
ArticleEffectiveness of Physical and Social Leisure Activities Program Participation on Feeling of Loneliness, Happiness and Self-Esteem among Institutionalized Elderly
ArticleEffectiveness of Physical and Social Leisure Activities Program Participation on Feeling of Loneliness, Happiness and Self-Esteem among Institutionalized Elderly