Immediate postpartum period refers to the care provided to the parturient woman and her newborn in the first two hours following the full expulsion of the placenta, after the baby is born. These hours are the initial and/or acute phase of the postpartum period. It is a very vulnerable period for both the mother and the newborn. The aim of this study: was to determine the effect of implementation of a teaching program about immediate postpartum care on nurses' knowledge and practice. Subjects and method: The study was conducted at the postpartum units of Tanta University Hospital, El-Menshawy and El-Mabara Hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health. All nurses (40 nurses) who were working in the previously mentioned study settings and provided care to women with normal vaginal delivery were assigned. Two tools were used for collection of data; Tool (I): Structured Questionnaire socio-demographic data and knowledge assessment. It comprised the following parts: Part I: Socio-demographic characteristics of nurses and Part II: Structured Questionnaire of nurses' knowledge about immediate postpartum care. Tool (II): It was developed to assess nurses' performance of immediate postpartum care .It comprised the following parts. Part I: Immediate Postpartum Care Nurses' Observation Checklist (for women) and Part II: Immediate Postpartum Care Nurses' Observation Checklist (for newborn). Results: The mean knowledge score of nurses regarding immediate postpartum care and newborn care was increased immediately after implementation of the program with a significant statistical difference P<0.05. The mean performance score of nurses regarding immediate postpartum care and immediate care of the newborn was higher immediately after implementation of the program with a significant statistical difference P<0.05 compared to pre-program. Conclusion and recommendations: The findings of present study revealed that after implementation of teaching program immediately and 3 months later the post program, there was a significant improvement of knowledge as well as performance among the studied nurses regarding the immediate postpartum care and the immediate newborn care compared to preprogram. Planned in-service training programs for all nurses working in the postpartum wards regarding the importance of the first 2 hour immediately postpartum must be conducted in order to improve their knowledge and performance and ultimately improving the quality of health care.