Meta-analysis is considered a research style in the field of libraries and
information, one of the efforts of registering Literature. this style is remarkable
with three features that cannot stand without which fusion (collecting or
integration) between previous results of the study and summarizing these results,
meeting and comparing them with each other, using some statistical methods in
this summary to perform bibliometric analysis, of previous studies. this study tries
to apply Meta-analysis style on one of the topics " metadata" with analyzing it
with qualitative, quantative, time and linguistic analysis and clarifying scientific
trends of the topic, in this study, the researcher tried to analysis previous studies
according to objective elements of the study, this is to recognize common and
general results that studies of this topic had reached to.
The intellectual production that dealt with the subject of metadata in its
branches, which amounted to 61 studies, was presented and analyzed to identify
its objective, temporal, qualitative, formal and syntactic features and
characteristics, and the methodology used.
The most important recommendations, proposals or future research
directions regarding metadata are the following:
Conducting some applied studies dealing with metadata of museum
groups and metadata of multimedia.
Study the quality of the metadata of media, especially news websites, on
the Internet.
Conducting many studies on the topic of "Big Metadata" and "Linked
Methods used to describe metadata between Arab and foreign indexes
(that use correlated data): a comparative study.
Future directions for describing metadata of indexes in the environment of
linked data: an exploratory study. Here, the researcher did not intend to
address metadata of indexes because it was dealt with by some studies,
but to explore the relationship of interrelated data in managing and
creating metadata.