from Egypt's 2030 vision for sustainable Development, and the strategic
plan for the development of pre-university education and the associated
operational programs, it is clear that the development of the secondary education
system is important, and that the students ' ability to think and innovate is
increased, and with the state's interest in implementing many Infrastructure,
construction, roads and new cities projects the Egyptian Knowledge Bank,
launched in January 2016, remains one of the most important, sustainable and
influential projects of the country, and the project's priorities are investment in
people, not stone
As is known, the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) is one of the main
pillars of the initiative of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi "Towards an Egyptian
society that learns, thinks and Innovates" which was launched on Flag Day 2015,
with the aim of spreading science and knowledge, supporting education and
scientific research, and improving its output and interest in classifying Egyptian
universities and support the research capabilities of young researchers and the
establishment of a unified system for the publication of journals and scientific
conferences as well as university theses.
All agree that secondary education needs the concrete efforts of all the
Decision makers, experienced and competent, for reform and development ,
hence the importance of this study to know the importance of the Egyptian
knowledge Bank and its role in supporting and developing general secondary
education in Alexandria. through the survey of teachers at the secondary schools
in Alexandria Governorate about the Egyptian knowledge Bank and its
usefulness in supporting education and curriculum, and the extent to which
teachers encourage students to use the Egyptian knowledge Bank in teaching
and learning processes, as well as The skills needed for teachers to deal with the
Egyptian knowledge Bank and benefit from it in education