With the widespread spread of information and communication technology,
it has played a major role in the intellectual production process, which is
characterized by intensive knowledge production and with the multiplication of
human knowledge. The global economy has become a science-based economy,
which aims primarily at achieving the quality of the library services provided
within the information institutions and increasing the productivity of the work
within the institution through the sharing of knowledge among all the staff of the
library and similar libraries on the one hand and between the library and the
community of beneficiaries on the one hand In view of the widespread use of
social media among all members of the society, it has had a great impact on the
services of libraries and various information institutions and marketing them as
It is therefore necessary to identify how to use the means of social
communication in the realization and practice of knowledge management in
libraries, Using the case study methodology adopted by the Central Library of
Alexandria University as a model for the application; to know the role of library
managers in leadership and proper direction to employ the effective use of social
media in the practice and application of knowledge management in the library,
The use of the library to study the means of social communication has not been
effective. Its use has been limited to Facebook only for the purpose of advertising
the library primarily, rather than as an effective means of dissemination among
the community of beneficiaries. And then came out with a set of
recommendations that would help library administrators and library staff as a
whole to apply and practice knowledge management processes using these