This research deals with the reality of use of the social network (face
book) in the national archives of Arab and Foreign comparative analysis.
With the beginning of the third millennium, national archives have moved
towards second generation web2 application to reach users and connect with the
growing generation of web 2 users, increase free access to archives collection
This study aims to limit the national Arab archives that have pages on the
social networking site face book ,and the description and analysis of the pages of
the Arab archives on the social networking site Facebook, and a comparative
study between the pages of Arab and Foreign national archives on face book in
terms of the modernity of information provided to beneficiaries and the extent of
comprehensiveness and adequacy. The study found that the existence of Arab
archives on internet is almost weak, and that some Arab archives do not use the
means of social communication in general due to lack of financial and human
resources and legal risks and security risks.
The foreign archives update their face book pages almost daily ,which
makes it logical to users to visit these pages on a regular basis ,and the
continuity and updating of the update shows the importance given by the national
archives of its presence on face book unlike Arabic archives.
The study also found that the Arab archives method is linked to web 1
,and that the presence of Arab archives on the social networking site face book is
an important presence of existence only on face book and does not reflect the
historical value found in the Arab national archives.