ArticleDigital Content and its Use in Teaching Libraries and Information: A Descriptive and Analytical Study
ArticleDigital Content and its Use in Teaching Libraries and Information: A Descriptive and Analytical Study
Articleالتحديات التي تواجه كبار السن في ضوء التحول الرقمي في المجتمع السعودي " دراسة وصفيـة مِــن وجهة نظر كبار السن بمدينة الرياض "
Articleالتحديات التي تواجه كبار السن في ضوء التحول الرقمي في المجتمع السعودي " دراسة وصفيـة مِــن وجهة نظر كبار السن بمدينة الرياض "
Articleالأمية الرقمية وعلاقتها بالانسحاب الاجتماعي لدى كبيرات السن في مدينة الرياض Digital illiteracy and its relationship to social withdrawal among elderly women in the city of Riyadh
Articleالأمية الرقمية وعلاقتها بالانسحاب الاجتماعي لدى كبيرات السن في مدينة الرياض Digital illiteracy and its relationship to social withdrawal among elderly women in the city of Riyadh
ArticleConcepts of user experience design and their role in achieving ease of use and effectiveness of responsive educational websites
ArticleConcepts of user experience design and their role in achieving ease of use and effectiveness of responsive educational websites
ArticleConcepts of user experience design and their role in achieving ease of use and effectiveness of responsive educational websites
ArticleConcepts of user experience design and their role in achieving ease of use and effectiveness of responsive educational websites
ArticleGraphic designs for educational applications and their impact on the development of the cognitive side of the illiterate learner An applied study on the application of "Tanweer"
ArticleGraphic designs for educational applications and their impact on the development of the cognitive side of the illiterate learner An applied study on the application of "Tanweer"