Six genotypes of 6-rowes barley (Hordeum Vulgate L.) were crossed in all possible combinations excluding reciprocals in 1999/2000 at Giza Research Station. The Fl parents were grown in 2000/2001 at Giza Res. St. using randomized complete blok design, Heading date (HD), Maturity date (MD), plant height (PLHT), spike length (SL), number of spikes / pant (NS/P), number of grains/spike (NG/S), spike grain weight (SKW), biological yield/plant (BY/P), grain yield/plant (GY/P), and 1000 kernel weight (1000kwt), were studies. The data of the Fl barley crosses and their parents were statistically analyzed for potence ratio, heterosis, combining abilities and inheritance of studied traits. Results showed, that most of the evaluated crosses had positive overdominance for all studied traits except for HD and MD. The highest cross in potence ratio was 1x5 which showed negative overdominance for HD, complete dominance for MD and positive overdominance for the other traits. Morever, 3 crosses in SL, Sin PLHT, 8 in NS/P, 7 in SKW, 8 in NG.S, 5 in BY, 9 in GY, and 4 in 1000kwt were considered good crosses in this respect. For heterosis, the cross 1x5 was the best cross as it expressed significant negative heterotic effect in HD and showed useful heterosis in yield and yield components. Also, useful heterosis was obtained from 6 hybrids in PLHT, 15 in SL, 13 in NS/p, 14 in 1.43/5, 12 in SKW, 10 in BY/P, 12 in GY/P and 6 in 1000kwt. Hence these crosses can be used in breeding for earliness and the other studied characters. Additive gene action was predominant which confermid the results of GCA and GCA/SCA ratios (exceeded the unity). The parents P1, P2 and P5 were the best general combiners for GY/P, BY/P was (1x5) followed by (1x2). However, the best crosses for PLHT, SL, NS/P, 1000kwt, and (HD and MD) were 1x6, 1x3, 2x5, 1x4 and 2x3, respectively. These crosses are valuable to build up a population with high genetic yield potential. Heritability values in broad sense were high for all the studies traits while the narrow sense heritability values were high for 1000kwt, (70%), GY/P (67.16%), SL, (66.67%), and SKW, (63.73%) and was moderate for the other studies traits. This study showed, the parental values were good predictability of the performance of hybrids.