The main objective of this research was to determine the relative Importance of Imowledge sources of opinion leaders on some agricultural practices °Drowning citrus production in El 'Cabbie and Menoufia governorates , such as varieties, Horticulture farm establishing steps, plantation methods, timing of trees plantation, weeding control, litigation methods, fertilization and growing promotion (regulators). Also the study aimed to Identify the similarity or the difference between the two governorates and the relative importance of knowledge sources and to determine the relationship between some Independent variables and the degree of knowledge sources. Data were collected by personal interviews using pre-test questionnaire from a sample consisting of 150 opinion leaders in the two governorates. frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, simple correlation and multiple correlation and regression analysis (step wise) were used to analze data . The most important findkres could be summadzed as follows : • Self oreesience was the frst imovAmIgn In the following Items :varieties, farm haticultwe establishing steps and timing trees plantation. - Horticulture engineer was the first source at plantation methods, weed control and growing promotion (regulators) issues. - Horticultural engineer and self experience were equal source to get irrigation methods and fertilization knowledge . • In El Kalubla govemorate self experience was the first source to obtain al agricultural issues studies except weeding cared that had neighbors source as equal as self experience in getting knowledge. Nso horticultural engineer was the first source to get growing promotion (regulators). - In Menoufia governorate the horticultural engineer was the first source to get knowledge in all stdied agricultural Issues. • It was fond positive significant relationships at 0.01 level between the degree of utilizing knowledge sours of opinion