Density of sugar beet plants is a limiting factor for sugar beet production, The present work was carried out to study the effect of some agricultural pracbces on sugar beet seedlings(transplants) to avoid and reduce the injury of seedlings by farmers without paper pots and to increase the density to 10 plants /n12 to give the highest number of plants per unit area (feddan). Two field trails were carried out at Experimental Farm of Sakha Agricultural Research Station at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate during 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 seasons. Eeach trail included ten treatments: two treatments were soaking in GA3 and another two soaldng in propham at 50 and 100 ppm for every substance in addition two foliar application by GA3 and two foliar with propham at 50 and 100 ppm with one foliar application and one treatments was transplant without any soaldng or foliar application as farmers used compared with direct seed bed planting (control). All treatments were arranged In randomized complete dock design In three replications. The important results could be summarized as folbw: 1. The traditional method (direct sowing) gave the highest values for aN characteristics followed by soaking, Then by foliar application with GA3 or propham, respectively. 2. Soaking sugar beet transplants in GA3 at 50 ppm before transplanting for six hours affected on root yield, sugar yield and purity percentage compared with soaking In propham with SO or 100 ppm. 3. Foliar application with GA3 or propham with any concentration gave the lowest values compared to soaking at the same rate of concentration for GA3 or propham. 4. Transplanting sugar beet transplants from nursery's soil as farmers used without paper pots attained the lowest values for all characteristics of sugar beet except for sucrose percentage which recorded the highest values in both seasons. Generally, it could be concluded that traditional method attained the highest root and sugar yields followed by soaking transplants before transplanting in GA3 at 50 ppm for six hours, then foliar application by GA3 or propham compared to transplanting transplants without any soaking or foliar by any substances which gave the lowest ones.