There are four main irrigation methods under Egyptian agricultural conditions, surface irrigation is the common method, and second improved irrigation method is perforated pipes, which has limited use in some farms. But, sprinkler and drip irrigation systems are the popular irrigation methods, are widely used in the newly reclaimed land. The economical analysis indicated that, The cost of variance, for the three irrigation methods is related to the farm size. This study was carried out during the year of 2001 in Nubaria newly reclaimed area, the total number of samples were150 Farms for both Drip and Sprinkler irrigation methods. The economical analysis indicated that. The total irrigation costs of surface irrigation per fed. is fixed by the farm size. Due to that, the costs per fed., was 348.48 LE. /year. It is also, found that, irrigation costs per fed. decreased when farm size increased. Also, the optimum economical farm size is 50 fed, for which, the irrigation costs per fed. using perforated pipes, according to actual calculation was 393.5 L.E./year, meanwhile, drip irrigation the costs per fed. was 445.4 L.E./year, which is equal to 128% of the surface irrigation costs per fed, while the sprinkler irrigation method was the most expensive irrigation system in which the cost per fed was 766.66 LE. that is equal to 2.2 times of the surface irrigation costs. This study indicated that the average water irrigation quantity per feddan, under surface irrigation was 8000rn3/feddan/year, improved irrigation by perforated pipes was 6300 m3/feddan/year, meanwhile, sprinkler irrigation was 5750m3/feddan/year, and drip irrigation was 4250 m3/feddan/year.