Potatoes is one of the main vegetable crops in Egypt. It ranks second after tomatoes as far as cultivated area and total production of vegetables. Moreover, it Is an important source of hard currency required to support economic development efforts. The study showed that the most important factors affecting the cultivated area of summer potato In Gharbia were the farm-gate price per ton and cultivated area in the previous year, and the cultivated area in the current year. The study showed also that the most important factors affecting summer potatoes in the first studied category involve the quantity of mechanical work used in Irrigation measured in hours, the value of mechanical work used in motor spraying per hour, the quantity of seeds in kg, and the quantity of potassium fertilizer units used. Whereas the most important factors found among the second studied category involve human labor (man /day), the quantity of mechanical work used in irrigation measured in hours, the quantity of seeds in Kg, and the quantity of fertilizer measured in cubic meter. It showed also that average yield of summer potatoes/feddan realized among the first studied category reached about 16.71ton, which is7% higher than that realized by the second category, which reached about 15.62ton/feddan. The study showed also that the most important internal factors affecting the quantity of exported summer potatoes in the first studied category Involve the quantity of mechanical work (tractor) measured in hours, the value of mechanical work used in irrigation per hour, the quantity of seeds in kg, and the quantity of potash fertilizer measured in effective units. Whereas the most important internal factors affecting exported quantity of summer potatoes among the second studied category involve the quantity of mechanical work used in irrigation measured in hours, the quantity of seeds in Kg, and used quantity of fertilizer units. The study explained that the most important problems facing summer potatoes production in Gharbia indude the shortage and high price of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, and the insufficient supply of irrigation water. The study explained that the most Important problems facing marketing of summer potatoes in Gharbia involve its low farm-gate price, In-season low demand for potatoes In-season, unavailabiNty of the appropriate varieties