Thirty random samples of salted fish (15 each of fesiekh and salted sardine) were collected from different markets in Cairo and Giza Governorates and subjected to physical, chemical and microbiological examination. The physical character of the examined samples did not show any significant abnormality. The chemical examination revealed PH values of 7 and 6.9 for fesiekh and salted sardine respectively, which exceed the permissible limit as recorded by Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (EOSQC) (1996). The mean values of moisture % were 49.5 and 50.8 % for fesiekh and salted sardine, respectively, which were within the permissible limit as recommended by EOSQC (1996). Moreover, the maximum values of sodium chloride % were 23 and 25% for feslekh and salted sardine, respectively. The maximum values of histamine level and Total Volatile Base-Nitrogen (NB-N) were (35 and 30 mg/100g) and (45 and 40 mg/ 100g) for fesiekh and salted sardine respectively. The values of NaCI and histamine exceeded the permissible limit given by EOSQC (1996). The values of NB-N exceeded the permissible limits of fresh fish (30 mg/100g) as recommended by EOSQC (2003). Microbiological examination revealeu that the mean values of anaerobic count, S. aureus count, Enterobacteriaceae count and conforms count were (3.1x104 and 1.7x103 cell/g),(2.2x104 and 1.5x103 cell/g), (7.4x102 and 1.6x102 cell/g) and (34.33 and 9.47) for fesiekh and salted sardine, respectively. These values exceeded the permissible limit recorded by EOSQC (19%).