The seasonal of the parasite complier of the red-sbiped soft scale, Puhinatia tenunalyata (Newstead), 5, Egypt was studied. Sugarcane (.5accharum of cinarum 1.) leaves infested by the sat sale were collected weekly from untreated Skeels in Melt region at Giza govencrate, Middle Egypt, from September 1999 to February 2000 and from September to December Si 2001 and 2002. The highest rate of parasitism was recorded in 2001(55.8%) whilst during 1999-2000 and 2002 those values were 43.5% and 37%, respectively. Eight speies of primary parasitoids (Hymenoptea), i.e. Coccophagus semicircular& (Forster) and C00:018tagus obscurus (Faster) (new record) (Apheeniclae), Metaphyws flaws (Howard), Metaphyas &nook Annecke & Mynhardt (new record) Miorteys tied (Mctschutsky), Patecttlwaryinus coxiaPhagus (Memel) (new record), Cowed. affied (Merest) (new record) and Diyersinerws align Silvestri (Encyrtidae) and sec hyperparastoids (Hymenoptera), i. e. Rxtyneuron muscat.= L (Fteromalidae) , Meet koptrdina Motschisisky (new read) and Ablerus chlonasplais (Howard) (= A. greatheach 'twice Sr Insley) (new record) (Aphelindae), Mahencyrtus comma (Walter) (new record), Cerapterocerus mirabiksWestwood (new record) and Chedoneurussp. (Encyrtlidae) were irk:naked. Ratios between primary and secondary parasitoids collected were 99: 1 (1999-2000), 94: 6 (2001-2002) and 96: 4 (2002-2003). M. Haws and M. aria* seen to be the most wonting parasitoids to be used as bl000ntrol agents against the red-striped soft scale on sugarcane In Egypt. The former species was more abundant between late October and early March in 1999- 2000 and during mid and late September till mid- February In 2001-2002 and 2002- 2003; in the same period, the most abundant hiperparasitoid was P. rnuscarum. Compedito between primary parasitoids species resulted Si a decrease of M. flaws and C. serkeiruketS collected daring 1999-2000 to 2002-2003; probably their activity was replaced by that of H. °tibia whose rate of parasitism Increased from 12.5% to 31.9% in the same