Three experiments were carded out using thee bread wheat crosses namely Gemmtra 9 x SIds 1, Gin 168 x Dovin-2 and Giza 168 x Salle 93. Sot populations (Pu Pa, Pi, FL K2 and BC,) for eadt cross were used Si INS investigation. Significant positive heterotic effeds were obtained for plant height, gran yield/plant and biological yleid/plant in the fist aoss, for plant height, kernel weight and biological yield/plant in the second cross, where, heterotic increase in No. of spikes/plant, kernel weight, grain yield/plant and biological yield/plant seemed to be accounted for the hetercdc yield response observed In the third cross. On the other hand, significant negative heterotic effects were found for No. of spikes/plant and No. of kernels/spike kl the second aces and No. of kernels/spilce in the third one. Inbreeding depression estimates were found to be significant for all studied attributes swept for No. of spikes/plant in the first cross, as well as No. of kernels/spire and grain yield/plant in the second one. Over dominance towards the higher parent for kernel weight, grain yield/plant and biological yield/plant was observed in the thee crosses, for pin height Si the first and second crosses, and No. of spates/plant in the first and third ones. Meanwhile, over or partial dominance towards the lower parent was obtained for No. of kends/spike Si the three crosses and for No. of spaces/plant in. the second aoss. On the other side, partial dominance was observed for plant height In the third one. F, Deviations (E,) were significant for No. of kernels/spike in the three crosses, and for grain yield/plant In the first and second crosses, Moreover, badraosses deviations (E1) were significant for plant height Si the first and second crosses, for No. of galas/Plant in the second aoss, for No. of kernels/spike and grain yield/plant In the second and lard crosses and for bid:vial Odd/plant In the three ales. The additive gene effect was significant for all characters in the second and third crosses except for No. of spices/plant, No. of kernels/spike in the third cross and kernel weight in the second one. These results suggest the potential for obtaining further improvement in most studied characters. In addition, dominance and epistasis were significant for mast of the girded attributes. High to medium values of heritability estimates were found to associated with high and moderate genetic advance as percentage of F2 means In most characters. These obtained results indicate that selection for the studied characters could be useful In the early generations.