The agricultural sector is one of the most important sectors in the Egyptian economy. It conbibges to the total GDP by about 17 %, to the total mons by about 15 % and to the total btu force by about 28 %. Egypt's development Policy depends on reclaiming ad Cultivating vast areas ci desert land, and estaphshing new settlements so as to reduce the population density in the old bibs of the valley and to increase production. Nobaria region is one of the successful examples ci the horizontal de.elopment to achieve cultivated Land. increasing the urbanized area and decrease the rate of unemployment bout 45 %of Notes% land is allocated for new graduates, whkh are lacking from sufficient finance and in deep need of agricultural credit to be sustained. Thus, this study is aiming at investigating the nature and structure of the available credit in Boston area as a part of Nobaria region. The study used two data sels; the secondary data available at PBDAC and the primary data which have been collected by the authors of the study. A systematic sampling tecMiaue was used to choose the sample to collect the needed primary data. The sample size is 10 % from the new graduates list. The list contains those who cu]tivated tomatoes, potatoes; and cucumbers; and took credits to finance cultivating those three vegetable crops Loans granted by the Principal Bank for Development and Agriculture Credit (MAC) to graduates, about .LE 18.2 millions in (1990/1991) while reached about LE 41.6 minions in (2002/2003). These loans were about 0.5% only from MI investment of agrkulbse credit In 1990 year, and reached about 0.8% in 2003 year. Descriptive and guanbbve inethocis were applied - to the analyses of the data; and achieve the studys objectives. The resAts showed that the loans Waged to the youth Is very little; and Ks percentage was less than 0.2 from the total P8DAC loans during the 1991 • 2003 period. When estknaling trend to these ere & in the period (1990/1991 • 2002/2003) as investment agriculture credit amounted LE 859 Millions annually. while youth credit readied only LE 2.9 milficas The cistnbution of such RAW bans among the 5cm:fn.:rates Indicated that Aswan (Least poPulMon) share is 17.4 % from the total loans, which is the maximum, Aide two governorates Beni wile( and Qena got nothing from those loans. Trend to these credits In the period (1990/1991 -