Larval parasitism of the leaf midrib miner, Cosmoptetix pararufella Reidl, in Egypt was studied. (Saccharum offidnarum L.) leaves Infested by the leaf midrib miner were collected weekly from untreated fields in Al-Aiat region at Giza govenorate, Middle Egypt, from February 2001 to October 2003. Results indicated that rate of parasitism significantly varied between the three generations larvae. Whereas, the highest rate was recorded in 2001 (24.6 %) whilst during 2001 - 2002 and 2002 - 2003 those values were 17.9 % and 21.2 %, respectively. Four species of larval parasitoids (Hymenoptera), i. e. Cotesla (= Mkrogasterand Apanteles) ruficrus (Haliday) (new record) (Braconidae), Pn4alio sp. (new record) and Tebaslichus sp. (new record) (Eulophidae) and Norbanus sp. (new record) (Pteromalidae) as well as the hymenopterous pupal parasitoid Palagnon sp. (new record) (Torymidae) were identified. C tuficruswas the most abundant species which emergence period lasted about 7 months and started mid (2001 and 2002) and late April (2003) till early (2001 and 2003) and mid November (2002) reaching its peak at mid May, late July and mid October. In 2001 and 2002, Pn/gal/o sp. represented about 22 % of larval parasitism emerged, but dedined to about 9% in the last year which emerged earlier four months than C rurraus The parasitic activity of Tetrasticbussp. and Notbanus sp. had a peak about (8 %) in 2002, opposed to about 2 % and 4 % recorded in 2003 and 2001 as well as 5% in both years. Podagrion sp. emerged only in a few numbers in 2001. C ruin:rug seem to be the most promising parasitoids to be used as biocontrol agents against the leaf midrib miner on sugarcane in Egypt.