This research 6 nod weeded to determine luenvied-de lord or the erculbee devisers vie prectoes of use some egnaose 1:93- ferdeas in toward tee and Sort Bout crops in nab Di 91c*, Coronado. A essedameire was rowed and NN to Cdloct data for to research though odor rondo from 192 responders Percentage, snide and murk coiroaten conk:mos. worse, v.,. x.4 stromse. T and F tests were rood as StiteSbUI tots to analwe and present the tube data The major findings of this research could be summarized as follows: 1- More than three quartiles (78.1%) of the respondents were medium and lo knbuiledee lend concerning rectum of use some VICUltUre 840 fertilizers (Bkigreen and Senaken) N feet/Lang Rice cups. 2- Nearest of three quartem (74%) of the respodenm were medium and low know/ode level cc:remind of use practices of use some agriculture 8.19- ferrets (Rizopactereen ao Phosphuretn) in kidding Sugar Beim ads . 3- more was a reserve and significant retatriship between the knowledge degree of the respondents concerning of practices of use some Agr011ture 8.0- fertilizers (Bbgreen and Senaken) in fertilizing Rice crops, and six independent variables, Le.,: innovebveness, Job satislactlen, knowledge web beneRs of using Bso fern's. time period spent in enter= work, reinter of training courses on rice crop fertidat ■tfl with roferthzers. 4- Pore was a motive and sgakant relator/8p between the knowledge degree of the respondents concerning of practees of use some agriculture Bo- fertilizers (RiMpactereen and Phosphureen) n fertazing sugar beat cops and Semen independent va eeks. i.e.,: knowledge with berets of using Bc- forters, innovativeness, yob satisfaction, degree of exposure to the Of corsair sources, time period dent O extension work, nernber of training courses In sugar beat crop fertiluabon web to-fertilizers, and training be eft In the fed of sugar beat crop fertilization with boo forcers. 5- The most Important independent variables affected in knowledge of agriculture otenskinsts with practices of use agriculture blo- lobbies in nee and sugar box crops were: onovatweness, knowledge benefits of order:8 of use agrulture Se- !emitters, Pb satisfaction, and degree of exposure to the information sources.