In the present study consisted of ox Pax genotypes were crossed in a chattel mating design excluding reoprocals to obtain 15 Fa crosses. In 2005/06 seasons, the parents and thee IS Fa seeds were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications at Giza Rc-s. Station of the ARC to estimate combining ability and gene action for weld and yield components. Results obtained can be summarized as follow: 1- the ratio of GCA/SCA indicated that the nevaddeve effects were more important than add effects for straw weld per plant whereas, the additive effects were more important than non °dative effects for plant height, technical length and no of basal branches per plant. 2- Some parent genotypes exhibited significantly positive GCA selects for seam yield, plant height and technical length indicating that the possiMty of using these parents in flax breeding Programs for unproAng straw yield per Pant. 3- Three crosses exhibited Ognificare positive WA effects as wet as, involved high x by general combiners for straw mid and most locoftatlf components (Plant height and techniCal length). 4- The rabo of GOVSCA for seed weed, number of seeds per capsule and 1000-seed we.ght. revealed that the inheritance of these traits were mainly controlled by additwe effects of genes. In contrast, the inheritance of no. of capsules per plant was mainly controlled by non-additive effects of genes. 5- One parent showed significant positive GCA effects for seed yield, number of Capsules per plant and 1000-send weight, whereas, three paten's were good combinersminter of seed Per capsule. 6- The cross Pjx.Ps exhibited significant positive WA effects for both seed Wed and no. of capsules per pant. This cross involved two parents of high GCA effects Me capsules per pant and high x low for seed yield per plant. In contrast, three crosses exhibited significant positive SCA effects for seed yield and most of rs important components and involved high x low general combiner parents. 7- Phenotype and genotypic correlation coefficients among eight Vats indicate that the flax breeder mug give priority to selection for both increased plant height and number of basal branches to increase straw red per plant, and both number of capsules and 1003-seed weight to improve seed wed per pant In flax. Key words: Pagel anatms, ambening sells% Gene acaon,