The present work aimed to evaluate the histopathological effects of four compounds, namely fenpropathrin, diflubenzuron, methomyl and Deenate on the larval integument and female ovaries of the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gazyptella (Saund.) and the spiny bollworm, fades Insulana (8oisd.) treated as 10- day old larvae. The results showed that tested compounds destroyed the larval integument of the treated larvae in both insects by the compounds of fenpropathrin, diflubenzuron and methomyl. Also, separation between epidermal and cuticle layers, reduction in the epidermal layer and reduction in the larval muscles were shown by these compounds. Weak and elongation in the larval muscles in the Deenate treatment of the pink bollworm were recorded in addition to duplex structure between old and new cuticle of the spiny bollworm. The tested compounds caused destructive effects in the adult females by absence of the nurse cells in the four treatments except diflubenzuron treatment to the pink bollworm. Reduction in the oocytcs diameter with fenpropathrin treatment to the pink bollworm and dlflubenzurom treatment to both insects were noticed. Fenpropathrin, methomyl and Deenate lead to hypertrophid the diameter of oocytes in the spiny bollworm.. Fenpropathrin treatment induced shrinking oocyte to the spiny bollwom and Deenate treatment to both insects were observed. Clustered the follicular epithelium especially, fenpropathrin, diflubenzuron and Deenate treatments of the spiny bollworm was observed. Absence the follicular epithelial nucleus in the most treatments especially in Deenate and fenpropathrin treatments to the pink and spiny bollworms, in addition, diflubenzuron and methomyl treatments to the spiny bollworm were recorded. Moreover, Vacuoles In fenpropathrin treatment to the pink bollworm was found.