This awesagation was carried cut during two successtre seasons (200552006) at Hort. Res. Institute, Fruit Handling Department, Giza to study the effect d the rootstock type and storage temperattre on Hansel clementine frit storabLirty. Harisd trees grown in a private farm at Ismaske Governorate, grafted on Sour orange. Carnzo otrange, Oeopatra mandarin and 'Swingle Ctrumdo roolstods were selected for this study. Nature fads el each treahnent in both seasons, were pkked, washed, drkd, sorted to obtain uniform samples then stored at St or 102C and 90- 95% RH up to 8 weeks. Physical and chernIcal properties at 15 day intervals were determined durlrg storage. Weight loss Percentage, decay percentage, total soluble solids and TSS/total adday ratio increased graduaCy with the increasing of storage period. On the contrary, fruit gravity, .rut farness, juke Pefeentage, total acidity and ascorbic add contents decreased gradually with the nereaszg of storage period. furthermore, fruit color changed °teethy Iron, greenish yellow to yellow to orange. yellow. Fruits from bees grafted on Sour orange rootstock had weight loss, decay Incidence, hue odor development, T55 and ascorbic add contents slignifkandy less and fruit gravity, fruit firmness, that juke content and total acidity signifcantly higher than fruits from trees grafted on the other rootstocks. However, scene of these differences vet due to prehantest faders. Fruits stored at 5°C signIfIcardy had less weight loss than those Bored at NBC Furthermore, storage at St significantly reduced the deorticeation rate cf fruit gravity, fruit coloration, softening, juice metre and changes rate of TSS, Total acidity, TSS/ total acidity ratio aryl ascorbi add In cornparson with storage at laic On contrast, hues stored at St Antheandy.hod Nigher decay percentage in corworisen with Kars stored at 104C not plIO because the increasing of thing injured fruits associated with storage at ST, bit also for the improvement of fruit Fedor happened at 10°C storage to It on be otradtafled that, clementine fruits "Mansol cv." are able to be gored for 45 days at 10°C and 9095% RH with negligible changes Of fruit properties and quality. Moreover, rootstock types wader this study nearly had a little effect on hue storability.