This study was carried out on Hemandina fruits were taken from a private farm at Wady El-Mullak region, Ismailia Gicwenuxate during two successive seasons (2005:2006 & 2006:2007) to determine the effect of four citrus roctstodts on fruit storability at two different low storage temperatures. Hernandina trees grafted on Sour orange, Canizo citrange, Cleopatra mandarin and Otrumelo rcotstodis were selected (or this study. Mature fruits of each treatment in both seasons, were picked, washed, dried, sated to obtain uniform samples then stored at 5°c or 10°c and 90 - 95% RH up to 90 and 75 days during the first and the second season, respectively. Physical and chemical properties at 15 day Intervals were determined during storage. Weight loss percentage, decay percentage, total soluble solids and TSS/total acidity ratio increased gradually with the prolonged of storage. In the contrary, fruit gravity, fruit firmness, juice percentage, total acidity and ascorbic acid contents deceased gradually with the increasing of the storage period. Furthermore, fruit color changed directly from yellow to orange-yellow to orange to reddish-orange during storage. Fruits were produced on Sour orange rootstock showed weight loss incidence, TSS and TSS/total acidity ratio significantly less and decay incidence, fruit gravity, fruit firmness and total acidity were significantly higher than fruits were bearing on the other rootstocks. Rootstock type had no obvious effect on changing of fruit color, fruit Juice and ascorbic add contents changes in stored fruits. However some of these differences return to pre-harvest factors. Fruits stored at 5°c significantly had less weight loss and decay percentage than that fruits stored at 10°c. Furthermore, storage at 5°c significantly reduced the deterioration rate of fruit gravity, fruit coloration, softening, juice content and changes of TSS, total acidity, TSS/total acidity ratio and ascorbic acid in comparison with storage of flues at 10°c. It can be concluded that, Clementine Hemandina fruits are able to be store for 60 days at 5°c and 90-95% RH with negligible changes of fruit characteristics and quality. Moreover, rootstock types under this study nearly had a little effect on fruit storability.