The research aimed at studding the change that occurred on the productive efficiency of agricultural land in the various districts by comparing various classifications during the period (1981-2000) in order to assess the plans and program of soil improvement which help to guide farmers to the best use of their land to achieve the best cropping pattern from the point of view of the farmers and the society. As shedding light on the changes of the areas of the various production categories in the classification of 1986-1990 as compared with its counterpart of 1981-1985 of 1986-1990 as compared with its counterpart of 1981-1985 it was clear that the production changes of land resource were negative in the 1980th as the area of deterioration was 4.23 million feddan representing about 67% of the total cultivated area in that period. The ameliorated area in the same period was about 680 thousand feddan representing about 11% of the total cultivated area. The production changes were positive during the first period in the 1990th (1991-1995) as the deteriorated area was about 465 thousand feddan representing about 11% of its counterpart in the 1980th, while the seconded period in the 1990th (1996-2000) whereas negative as the area of deterioration was 958 thousand feddan representing about 23% of its counterpart in the 1980th. On the other side the improved area during the first and second period in the 1990th was 3.4, 1.6 million feddan respectively. Which representing about 5005, 235% of its counterpart in the 1980th respectively. The results of the research showed that policies of soil conservation and amelioration in the 1990th (1991-1995), (1996-2000) lead to the increase of the cultivated area by about 1.1 million feddans and 465 thousand feddan of the standard productivity respectively, as compared with 223 thousand feddan of the standard productivity in the 1980th, representing about 20%, 48% of its counterpart during the first and second period in the 1990th. As for the effect of productivity decline results showed that policies of soil improvement lead to unsuitable and undesirable effects on the cultivated area which lead to decline of 1.4 million feddan of the standard productivity in the 1980th, as compared with a decline of 121, 347 thousand feddan of the standard productivity during the first and second period in the 1990th respectively, representing about 9%, 25% of its counterpart in the 1980th. The research recommended to continue to activating the policies of soil conservation and amelioration to realize sustainable development of land resources and its reflections on agricultural export promotion and increasing the farm income and the national income.