AbstractThe study aimed to identifying the nature of women problem in rural families writhen the frame work of millennium development objectives, this entails studying the relation between problem of women and some independent variables with particular emphasis on rural women, perception of their problems in addition, it fallows that the research can reach some recommendation to this problems. The research was conducted in Assiut Governorate based on percentage of poverty, mortality rate, unemployment rate, education in addition to other criteria relevant to the ascending assortnmt of upper Egypt governorate according to human Development index .Assiut govern art ranks the sixth according to that index . Accordingly three village selected, namely. Elmahabda el garbea, Elmahabda el sharkea, Abnob district, and Abdel rassoal – Assiut district . Data were collected from sample of 300 families, using personal interview a questionnaire, and focus group desiccation, the following statistics methods were used in data analysis simple correlation coefficient of Pearson, and chi square test, and test Z (score), frequencies percentages. The most important results of the analysis as follows: 1- 78% of respondents rank in high category of violence against women whereas 86%of respondents suffer from poverty. 66%of woman respondents are not join to any work,88%of woman have a low sense of economic safety . As to 92%of woman are circum cision , or they had done it to their daughter. 2 - a significant relationships exist between the respondent, age and cultural openese and the degree of valance against woman. also, significant correlation exist between woman degree of social relations and poverty .on the other hand, significant correlation between the respondent ,age and unemployment .whereas age is positively related the respondent, education .sense of self – economic safety however, age is inversely related to the respondent, problem of early marriage. 3 – 80% of the respondents ranks low in their perception of violence against woman where 98% classified a high perceptions of poverty problem. 96% of the respondents are classified in the modernity category as to their perception of un employment problem. 87% of the respondent are of high perception of the problem of sensing economic safety problem. 35% of respondent have moderately perceive the problem of early marriage whereas 92% of them have a low perception far the problem of woman curcuma cision. 66% of the respondent enjoy a modern ate perception of adoles- cencnt pregnancy problems.