Iron can be added to flour to replace what is lost from iron during milling or to reach a level higher than naturally found in the whole wheat, which is known as fortification. The criteria for selecting the form of iron to add as fortificant include the effect on the quality of the flour and bread, and the cost. Due to the advantages of iron - amino acid chelate, as organic form, its high bioavailability and its ability to protect the iron from binding with phenols and phytic acid and its resistance to stomach acidity and high temperature of food processing beside its safety, it may be preferred in bread making than iron in its an inorganic form. Therefore, this study was carried out to compare between two wheat flour fortificants, organic form iron (as iron bis- glycinate) and ferrous sulphate (as inorganic form) to prepare balady bread under Egyptian conditions. Physical, chemical, rheological and organoleptic characteristics of the resulted balady bread were evaluated and the resulted data were statistically analysis. The results showed that increasing the level of ferrous addition (organic or inorganic forms) led to an increase in gluten index. It also, was found that no significant differences were observed between control sample (unfortified) and the two fortificants flour samples in all farinograph measurements such as: water absorption (%), arrival time, and dough development time and dough stability. Cost of iron also, fortification for one ton of wheat flour was calculated, in order to encouragement the official authorities such as Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade and Milling Companies. It also aimed to spread the knowledge of wheat flour fortification, which led to obtain a high nutritional value of balady bread.