This investigation was carried out from 2008/2009 to 2011/2012 .Two crosses namely; Sahel 1 x Gemmeiza 11 and Gemmeiza 10 x Sids 1 were grown in two experiments normal irrigation (N) and drought stress (D). Five populations (P1, P2, F1, F2 and F3) for each cross were used. Significant either positive or negative heterotic effects were found for all characters, except for No. of spikes/ plant, No. of kernels/ spike and grain yield/plant in the first cross under drought stress. Inbreeding depression estimates were significant and positive for kernel weight and grain yield/ plant in both crosses under drought conditions. Also, significant and positive estimates for all characters, except for No. of spikes / plant in the second cross and kernel weight in the first cross under normal irrigation. Additive gene effects (d) and additive x additive (i) were significant either positive or negative for all characters under both irrigation regimes, except for No. of spikes /plant, kernel weight and grain yield/plant in the second cross under normal irrigation. Dominance gene effects(h) and dominance x dominance (I)were significant and positive for No. of spikes/plant in both crosses and grain yield /plant in the first cross under both irrigation regimes Significance of these components indicated that ,both additive and dominance gene effects are important in the inheritance of these characters. High to medium, heritability estimates were associated with low and moderate expected and actual gain in most characters under irrigation regimes .Results proved that selection for the studied characters could be used in early generation but would be more effective if postponed to late ones under both irrigation regimes in both crosses.