a field experiment was conducted in the experimental farm of Agricultural Research Station at Giza during the two successive growing seasons 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 to intercrop barley with berseem clover under different seeding rates. The study was conducted using four cultivars of barley, two of them are Hulled barley Giza 133 and Giza 134 and two are hull-less barley Giza 129 and Giza 130 and two berseem clover cultivars Helaly and Sakha 4 as sole crops and intercrop planted at three seeding rates i.e., 37.5-6.25, 25-12.5 and 12.5-18.75 seeds kg/fad- 1. The experimental designs were a Randomize Complete Block Design (R. C. B. D) in three replicates. Data showed that, total yield of dry matter (DM) and fresh yield hull-less barley cultivar Giza 129 and be seem cultivar Sakha-4 had the highest values in barley and berseem cultivars. In intercropped barley with berseem clover Giza 134 - Helaly provided total dry matter and fresh forage yield was greater value for intercropped barley - berseem at intercropping system (12.5-18.75 seeds kg/fad-). Data showed that, Berseem in pure stand consistently had the highest crude protein concentration for Helaly cultivars. Barley in pure stand consistently had the highest CP concentration for barley cultivar Giza 129 (hull-less barley). Intercropping barley Giza 129 with berseem clover Helaly at intercropping system (25 % for barley cultivar Giza 129 + 75% for bersem cultivar Helaly had the highest value for the crude protein. Sole berseem possessed higher calcium and phosphorus level that c v Sakha 4. The highest values calcium and phosphorus was recognized for Giza 133 at sole at over two seasons. Intercropping by 25% G.133- Sakha 4 (75%) in both two seasons had the highest value of calcium and phosphorus.