results showed that, the new system of bread subsidy was carried out at Beni suef governorate in Sept. 2014, Those families who agreed this system reached 94.7%, 93.7 of them are satisfied by the quality of the bread under this system, 27% of them decreased their monthly expenditure on buying beard, Loss in bread decreased from 36% before applying this system to 9.5% after applying it. Value of loss decreased from 248.337 million pound/year to 72.846million pound/year. Also results showed that 57.7% of families save bread points. The obtained results also showed that 71.3% of the sample under study showed that there are social justice in distribution of bread 69.7%of consumers said that, they can get the bread easier. Also, 46% of consumers don't find any problems in applying this system in spite of absence of any control authority, on the other hand, 24% of the consumers said that the time of work for bakeries is not suitable, 12% of consumers find bad manner in front of the bakeries from their owners, 11% suffer from crowdness in front of the bakeries and 8.3% of the consumers find problems during operating the electronic card. As for bakery owners, 74% of them said that this system improved the quality of the beard, 48% of them said that this system improved the quality of flour, and 28% of them said that the production capacity increased due to applying this system, meanwhile 48% of them claiming the delaying of financial duties 36% claimed connecting getting flour extraction 82% by certain millers, 32% had claimed the electronic card.As for the millers 75% of the owners of millers said that getting the bra in front of milling process is good, also 50% of them said that this system resulted, increasing production capacity, improving flour capacity and increasing of the process of milling. On the other side, 75% of them claimed the disorder in the net, and the instability in the daily distribution of flour, and the bad quality of wheat in some cases and the high % of impurities.Recommendations: The study recommended: Strengthening the control authorities controlling this system specially in case of bakeries. Improving the awareness of consumer. Extending the period of exchange bread pointes, and allowing the exchange bread pointes for supermarkets and other sites. Making daily account for the owners of bakeries. Taking in consideration adding children of 4 years old to this system. Increasing production rate for bags 100 kg to 1300 loaf. Allowing the owners of bakeries to buy flour from any miller followed this system and buying any type of extraction.