Egypt is one of the top ten countries realizing feasible Sugar beet yield (21ton/fed).Similarly Egypt occupies the eleventh rank in producing Sugar cane with an average production 48.89 ton/fed during 2011. Sugar beet is considered as the alternative of Sugar cane in providing local consumption of Sugar. This study aimed at investigating the effect of introducing mechanical technology in performing agricultural field operations of Sugar beet production. The study mainly depended on the recent available data and field questionnaire (Bannie Soief), governorate was selected based on the Sugar beet cultivated area 27284 feddans and especially in Elwasta district where about 2055 feddans are cultivated with Sugar beet. The analysis of the obtained data indicted that the Sugar beet cultivated area changes annually by 1.01% of the main average while the total yield changes annually by 10.5 % of the average yield production. The field study investigated 6 systems of mechanizing field operations where samples ranged between 21 and only one sample for each system. Three of these systems were excluded and the economic analysis covered only three. The one directional variance analysis revealed that the differences at confidence level 95% was insignificant. The evaluation of productivity based on risk assured the highly degree of variance that ranged between 18.37-25.65 % which reflected the farmer's behavior towards mechanizing the field operations due to their midget area. The economic parameters pointed that the second system realized net return less than the third system which applied mechanical spraying instead of the manual application. Generally the rest of the investigated economic parameters justified the superiority of the third system which leads to recommend its adoption by Sugar beet growers. Neverseles, in order to reinforce this recommendation, further deep studies must be applied on large scale areas which enable to apply different levels of mechanizination.