tfield experiments were carried out during the spring seasons of 2013 and 2014 at EL-Tahrir Provence, Behera Governorate, Egypt to study the effect of four different irrigation scheduling strategies on squash (cucurbita Pepo L.) yield and quality as well as water consumption under field conditions. Four scheduling irrigation treatments under drip irrigation system determining connected for evapotranspiration, accumulative evaporation, wetted area and the percentage of canopy cover these treatments were arrigned in randomized complete block design in three replications and designated as AETo, BEP,CPw, and DPc., respectively. Results revealed that, the maximum seasonal applied irrigation water (Ir) and water consumption (Et) of 547.2, 398.36 mm and 562.0, 409.15 mm were by AETo treatment for the first and second season, respectively. While, CPw treatment recorded the minimum Ir and Et values of 442.54, 322.20mm and 459.45, 334.50 mm for the first and second season, respectively . Increasing Ir resulting in increasing Et and significantly affecting the total yield and all vegetative traits as well as irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE). AETo, DPc. and BEP treatments had the highest early and mean fruit yield of 1.35, 1.28, and 1.17 Mg/Fed. and 12.0, 10.62, 10.0 Mg/Fed. for the first season, respectively. Results of the second season regarding early and mean fruit yield had the same trend. Concerning the vegetative and quality traits, AETo, DPc and BEP treatments exhibited the maximum values regarding to fruit number and weight per plant, mean fruit weight, diameter and length. Meanwhile, CPw treatment had the lowest values which maybe due to superior irrigation in early growth stage and insufficient water in the late growth stages which adversely affected the pant development and caused flowers shedding. AETo and DPc. treatments had the highest IWUE values of 5.22 and 5.07 kg/m3 for the first season and 5.13 and 4.92kg/m3 for the second season, respectively. As a conclusion, Irrigation scheduling based on the percentage of the canopy cover could be used as an alternative to using crop coefficient (Kc) values especially, when kc values not available or not correctly defined. Meanwhile, Irrigation scheduling based on the percentage of wetted area (Pw) seems to be not realistic or sensible, because using a fixed Pw value was not appropriate for all plant growth stages.