Fodder shortage is considered an impediment to develop animal production , many studies show that fodder balance in Egypt has a 6 million ton annual shortage and that equal 2.5 million ton of digested fodder , the availability of the fodder is a necessity and the best way to achieve that is making a plan to benefit from the nutrition which existed in agricultural waste and it can be used as an animal fodder where the most important are ; hays , corn wood , cotton , rice straw and vegetable forks , many studies show that this quantities of agricultural waste will cover efficiently the shortage of fodder balance to feed the animals and that after treating them with mechanical , natural , chemical and biological processes to raise their nutritional value then using them as an animal fodder materials . The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1-The equation of production function shows that all productive treatments affect produced silage because The coefficient of determination is about 0.980 which means that all treatment affect with percentage reached 98% in silage production, calculated (F) value confirms that which reached 49.739 with abstract level 0.01 % . 2-The equation of processed rice straw production function shows that all treatments affect the produced quantity of rice straw pile with coefficient of determination reached 0.936 which means that all treatments affect the processed rice straw pile with percentage of 93.6% , the value of calculated (F) confirms that and reached 38.115 with coefficient of determination 0.01% . 3-The problems of raw materials vary to three problems have relative recurrences , the first problem with relative importance reached 3.33% of all recurrences , when the relative importance of processed rice straw reached 6.67% of all recurrences . the second problem is about raw materials deception which reached about 20% , when the relative importance of processed rice straw reached 13.33% of all recurrences . the third problem is about price raising of raw materials to produce silage with relative importance reached 36.67% , when the relative importance to produce the processed rice straw reached 53.33% of all sample recurrences .