Despite the economic importance of medicinal and aromatic plants, but the cultivated area represented approximately 0.38% of the total crop area for 2014. the research problem is that exports of medicinal and aromatic plants are limited in size. Which do not exceed the coriander, cumin, wormwood municipal, hibiscus and mint leaves. Marjoram about 15.2%, 34.8%, 10.4%, 26.5%, 5.4%, 28.3% respectively. The research aims to study the factors influencing the decline in the volume of exports by studying the production and export situation of the crops under study and determine the geographical distribution of these exports to determine the export potential within these markets. Egyptian exports of medicinal and aromatic plants value representing about 3.5% of Egypt's total value of agricultural exports as an average for the period (2001-2014). Which amounted to about $ 86.5 million. It turns out that the average amount of Egyptian exports of coriander, cumin, wormwood, municipal hibiscus, mint leaves and marjoram during this period amounted to about 1385, 837, 784, 1048, 2007, 2705 tons respectively, exports values reached about 1712, 2146, 1829, 1705, 2933, 4396 thousand dollars respectively. The value of these exports represent about 2%, 2.5%, 2.1% 0.2%, 3.4%, 5.1% of the total Egyptian exports value of medicinal and aromatic plants and cut flowers crops, respectively. While exports of production accounted for about 15.2%, 34.8%, 10.4%, 26.5%, 5.4%, 28.3% average for the period of the crops studied, respectively. The existence of stability in the evolution of the amount of Egyptian exports of these crops during the period studied was found. While showing a lack of stability in the evolution of the monetary value of exports of the studied crops for a total of medicinal and aromatic plants export value, as the value of the concentration time coefficient crops studied is close to zero due to the low price. The endemic schedule coefficient was calculated to determine the points on the Lorenz curve, shows that the degree of endemism of the value of Egyptian exports of the studied crops decline during the period (2012-2014) which means not focusing Egyptian exports from the studied crop value, due to political and economic conditions faced by Egypt. Libya, Germany, Algeria , the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are the most important countries importing Egyptian coriander during the period (2008-2014) where the amount of Egyptian exports amounted to 1362.6 tons on average for the same period, about 31.4%, 13.4%, 9.1% 0.6% , 5.5%, respectively. The average export price for Egypt for the period is estimated at US $ 1766 / ton, and is the highest export price is to Libya and Germany, where it was about 2048.1743 dollars / ton. Morocco, Libya and Algeria are the most important countries importing Egyptian cumin, the average amount is about 1298.1 tons, representing about 58.9%, 13.7%, 8.7%, respectively. The average export price for Egypt is estimated at US $ 2837 / ton, and is the highest export price is to Morocco and Libya, where it was about 3045 and 2923 dollars / ton prompt. Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain and America are the main importing countries of Municipal Shehan where it amounted to 1342.3 tons on average for the same period, representing about 31.4%, 10.9%, 8.4%, 7.5%, 6.6%, respectively. The average export price for Egypt for the period is estimated at US $ 2434 / ton, and the highest export price was to America, Germany, where it was about 3301 and 2495 dollars / ton. Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and the United States are the most important countries importing Egyptian Roselle, where shows that the amount of Egyptian exports amounted to 1347 tons on average for the same period, representing about 25.3%, 14.8%, 9.5%, 9.2%, 5.2%, respectively. The average export price for Egypt for the period is estimated at US $ 2396 / ton, and is the highest export price for prompt Egypt to America where it reached about $ 2947 / ton. Germany, England, America and Spain are the main importing countries of Egyptian mint, where the average amount of Egyptian exports amounted to 2444.8 tons, representing about 40.9%, 12%, 9%, 6.2%, respectively. The average export price for Egypt for the period is estimated at US $ 1692 / ton, and the highest export price for prompt Egypt is to Germany where it reached around $ 1752 / ton. Poland, Germany and America are the most important countries importing Egyptian Brdqoh where the average amount of Egyptian exports amounted to 2575.8 tons, representing about 23%, 22.2%, and 19.9% respectively. The average export price for Egypt is estimated at US $ 2291 / ton, and the highest export price directed to the Netherlands and France, where it was about 3136 and 3056 dollars / ton each, respectively. The Egyptian import possibilities for export markets and demand studied to recognize the rate of growth during the period (2001-2014). It turns out that Libya and the Emirates enjoys markets where demand is growing cilantro in addition to increasing Egyptian exports to their growth rate. In spite of increasing Egyptian exports growth rate to both England and America, demand growth rate for the market drop back down. Astudy of the general direction of the total amount of imports of the most important countries importing Egyptian cumin, showing that demand growth growing market rate excluding the Mexican market, where falling this market demand. There are promising markets such as Yemen, Israel, Tunisia and the United States. From the above, it is clear export opportunities for Egypt within the import markets in spite of Egyptian exports concentrated in three markets mostly of the crop cumin. By identifying the competition of Egyptian exports of coriander in the German market, it appears that Ukraine, Belgium, the Netherlands, where the market share for them about 31%, 20%, and 15% respectively of the total amount of imports of the German market as an average for the period (2009-2013), while much market share of Egypt is about 10% during the same period. Egypt is facing price competition in the German market, where Egypt loses comparative advantage in this market compared to competing countries. And estimating demand functions coriander German market showed that the amount of Egyptian exports increase by 0.38%, 0.25%, and 1.4% down price ratio between Egypt and France, price ratio between Egypt and Morocco, price ratio between Egypt and the Netherlands by about 1%, respectively, during the period (20 001 - 2013). A study of the Algerian market turns out that Syria, India, Ukraine, and Romania are the most competitive states of Egypt, where the market share for them is about 42%, 26%, 11%, and 8% respectively of the total amount of imports of the Algerian market, while the estimated market share of Egypt's is 8 % during the same period. Egypt is facing price competition within the Algerian market, where price of Egypt loses comparative advantage in this market compared to competing countries. By studying the demand functions Algerian market shows that the amount of Egyptian exports increases by 1.2%, down the price ratio between Egypt and France by about 1%. It is clear that Syria and India compete Egyptian exports of Cummins in both Algerian and Moroccan market, with an estimated market share of about 11% and 0.35%, respectively. While India's market share is estimated at 13% and 17% for each of the Algerian market and in the Moroccan.The estimated market share of the Algerian market within the Syrian and Moroccan by about 81% and 38%, respectively. Egypt enjoys a price advantage in the Moroccan market compared to all of India, and Syria. While Egypt loses its price advantage in the Algerian market. By studying the demand functions for the Algerian market where latency increases the amount of Egyptian exports, down by 0.01%, the price ratio between Egypt and Turkey. By studying the demand functions for the Moroccan market where latency increases the amount of Egyptian exports, down by 0.23% price ratio between Egypt and Turkey.