The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of using improved seeds on a large scale on the production of the most important grain crops in Egypt, which are wheat, corn and rice. The period covered in the study is 2003 to 2013. The study has shown the following: The ratios of the quantities (distributed/authorized) for improved seeds were 84.1%, 64.8% and 86.6% for wheat, corn and rice respectively. Also the prices of the traditional seeds were lower than their improved counterparts during the period of the study. The ratios were 49% for wheat and 44.2% for rice while it was 90% for corn during the same period. The spread ratio with distributed improved seeds of rice and wheat were too low as it reached 28% and 26% respectively, while it reached 51% for corn. Regarding the impact as expressed by the economic and technical indicators it is shown that extending the use of improved seeds will lead to increasing the production and hence reducing the gap between local supply and local demand on wheat and corn. The direct result is reducing the imported quantities by about EGP 5.08 Billion. Also this will lead to increasing the production of rice and hence allowing for about EGP 1.465 Billion growth in export. This represent EGP 6.545 Billion savings for Egypt's government on one hand, on the other hand, about 580,000 Feddan previously cultivated with these crops can be released for other uses and the irrigation water of about 1936 million cubic meters can be saved as well. Studying the factors affecting the quantities of the distributed improved seeds shows that there are two independent factors which have significant impact on the distributed quantities of improved rice seeds, the two factors are the cultivated areas and the authorized seeds quantities. There is only one factor with significant impact on the quantity of wheat which is the authorized quantity and one factor for corn which is the cultivated area.