Background: Elevated intracranial pressure is a potentially devastating complication of neurologic injury in children. Aim of the study: To examine the effects of educational nursing strategies on the management of increased intracranial pressure in children with neurological injury. Design: A quasi-experimental was used. Setting: The study was conducted in the Pediatric Intensive Care Units at Al-Nasr Specialized Children's Hospital and Al Salam Hospital in Port Said City. Subjects: A convenience sample of 40 nurses caring for children with increased intracranial pressure in the previously stated settings from the period from January to June 2021. Two tools were used for data collection, Tool I: Self-administered structured questionnaire consists of two parts to assess nurses' knowledge. Tool II: An observational checklist was used to assess nurses' practice. Results: There were statistically significant differences between pre and post-test concerning nurses, knowledge and practice of the regarding care of children with increased intracranial pressure at 1% and 5% of statistical significance. Conclusions: Implementation of a nursing educational program upgraded nurses' knowledge and practice of children with increased intracranial pressure. Recommendations: Continuous educational programs should be planned on a regular basis for nurses caring for children with increased intracranial pressure in order to improve their knowledge and practice to provide high-quality care.
children, Increased intracranial pressure, Management, Neurological injury & Nursing strategies
Assistant professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt
Assistant professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Egypt
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Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
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Educational Nursing Strategies for the Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure in Children with Neurological Injury at Pediatric Intensive Care Units