Background: Knowledge regarding the screening test (Pap smear) among women has been proven to be a significant predictor of first-time screening and in turn helps in early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Hence the present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of health instruction module on female employee knowledge and attitude toward Pap smear screening. Design: A quasi-experimental design (One group pre-test posttest design) was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study. Setting: This research was conducted at 3 collages (Nursing, Medicine and Law) in Zagazig university subjects A purposive sample of 120 employed women among those who working the setting mentioned above. Results: Comparing between total score of Knowledge, attitude level throughout study phases. A statistically significant difference observed through the study phases there is improvement of women's Knowledge (satisfactory Knowledge 25.8% in pre intervention to 80% in post and 72.5% in follow up phase) attitude (positive 45.8% in pre intervention phase to 87.5% in post and 84.2% in follow up phase). As regards utilization there this no statistically significant difference observed between pre, post and follow up phase among study subjects. Conclusion and Recommendation: In pre intervention phase most of women had poor knowledge and practice related to Pap smear screening. But their attitude is favorable for screening. Knowledge score show improvement from pre and post intervention phase to follow up phase as well as total attitude score but utilization not changes. This study highlights the need for continuous educational programs for the midlife aged women to improve their knowledge, attitude and utilization regarding Pap smear screening.