Background: Job satisfaction affected positively by role clarity and in turn job satisfaction adds positive effect to nurse's roles and responsibilities. When employees and employers are satisfied with their jobs, this will make them committed to their organizations and in turn contributes to organizational success. Aims: To explore the relation between role clarity and job satisfaction among nurses and the relations between nurses' personal characteristics data, role clarity, and job satisfaction. Design: A descriptive correlational design was used. Subject and Method: The study was carried out at Medical and Surgical Departments at Assiut University Hospital, total number (141 nurse) (62) in Surgical and (79) in Medical. Using three tools, Personal characteristics data sheet, Role clarity questionnaire, and Job satisfaction questionnaire. Results: Causes of role ambiguity has the highest mean score (32.72±5.22). Nurses perception about role clarity correlated positive with job satisfaction dimensions of communication and relations (0.293**). Communication and relations correlated positive with educational qualification and marital status (0.020 and 0.005) respectively. Conclusions: Nurses are aware of causes of role ambiguity, and nurses' perception about role clarity correlated positive with job satisfaction dimension of communication and relations. Recommendations: During orientation period at the time of employment clearly define job description, job specification, and job classification that will reflect positive on their job satisfaction and general moral, and emphasis on educational preparation of diploma nurses with more courses and guidelines on how to understand their roles and responsibilities.