A positive and enriched learning environment can influence a students' perception of the healthcare facility as a possible future employment site. The aim of the present study was to explore student nurses' perception regarding their nursing role. A descriptive design was used in the present study. This study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing-Assiut University. The study subjects constituted of 763 students who were enrolled in the 1st (164), 2nd (130), 3rd (146), 4th academic year (112) (2012-2013) at Faculty of Nursing-Assiut University, and (211) internship year respectively. The overall of the total nursing students' perceptions about their roles scale had an internal consistency of α = 0.944. Results: Mean scores were highest among the four academic years as regard to administration, care giver, communication, and teaching respectively. While, among internship year students care giver was the highest mean score followed by communication, administration and teaching respectively. There was a highly statistically significant difference for all factors among the four academic year and internship year (**P≤ 0.001).Conclusions: Four academic years students perceived administration highest mean score followed by care giver, communication, and teaching as the main roles of nurses. While, among internship year students care giver was the highest mean score followed by communication, administration and teaching respectively with a highly statistically significant differences. Recommendations: Nurse Educators and practitioners are responsible for the development of nursing students' perception and working as a role model and interactions that provides the context for student learning and professional socialization. Researching how managers and senior leaders view the role of a nurse students would prove valuable in developing a strong and positive working relationship among nurse managers, staff nurses, nursing educators, and students.