Histological studies on aerial gall nematode infecting camphor trees,
Cinnamomum camphora in Egypt were conducted at the experimental station of the
Nematology Department, Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research
Center. Transverse sections in the healthy and infected leaves with aerial gall
nematode at early and late infection symptoms of camphor trees were done with the
aid of electronic microtome. At early symptoms of infection with nematode, small
galls with a light green color in the main axon of leaf were observed, meanwhile at
late symptoms of infection, nematode galls transfer to dark green or light red color.
Giant cells were characterized with thickened walls and necrosis. Histological
preparations of the infected leaves cleared that, giant cells in the early symptoms
infection contain different stages of the nematode, Fergusobia spp. and the insect,
Fergusonina spp, while at the late symptoms infection it was found different pores in
the galls where the emergency of the adult insect in the gall was done through it.
Control experiments by the nematecide, Vydate 24% L. and the insecticide Pyridan
45% L. were applied spraying on the whole plant of camphor or applied in the
irrigation water against both of nematode and insect, Fergusobia spp. and
Fergusonina spp. The obtained results indicated that the mixed treatment of Vydate
24% L. at irrigation water and Pyridan 45% spraying on plants recorded the best
results in controlling aerial nematode galls on camphor trees.