This work was conducted to study the effect of nematode – trapping fungus
(Arthrobotrys conoides); white wormwood (Artemisia herba alba) and the
nematicides, Tervigo (half dose) in the integrated control programs of plant parasitic
nematodes. These agents were evaluated alone as well as in combination against
Meloidogyne javanica infected Cucumber and Courgette under greenhouse
conditions, at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Menoufia University,
Shibin El-Kom, Egypt. The obtained results showed that, the application of A.
conoides + Wormwood + Tervigo treatment gave the highest reduction percentage
of the nematode with reduction ratio of (85.0%) followed by the treatment of A.
conoides + Tervigo (77.3%) in Cucumber plants and the same previous treatments
gave (80.0% and 70.5%) in Courgette plants, respectively. Moreover, the two
previous applications gave better enhancement in various growth parameters such
as, plant height, shoot weight, and root weight in both Cucumber and Courgette
plants. The same application gave the lowest gall index (1.0) representing the
highest total decrease in gall numbers (-83.3%) in cucumber and (-81.8%) in
Courgette compared with control. There are significant differences in root gall index
between control treatment and all other treatments. Results indicate that Tervigo as
a nematicide had no adverse effects on the predaceous activity of A. conoides.
Moreover, dried leaves of Wormwood play an important role in nematode control, as
well as it promoting plant growth and enhancing beneficial microorganisms in soil.