ArticleAstylistic Analysis of the ”Paradox Technique in T.S, Eliot’s Four Quartest Empphasis on ’Burnt Norton
ArticleAstylistic Analysis of the ”Paradox Technique in T.S, Eliot’s Four Quartest Empphasis on ’Burnt Norton
ArticleThe Concept of Violence in Modern English Poetry: A Study of Selected Poems by Wilfred Owen, Dylan Thomas, and Ted Hughes
ArticleThe Concept of Violence in Modern English Poetry: A Study of Selected Poems by Wilfred Owen, Dylan Thomas, and Ted Hughes
ArticleOrganic Form and Prosody in Selected Poems of William Carlos Williams De. Sherif Abdulhameed Hamed Bahooty
ArticleOrganic Form and Prosody in Selected Poems of William Carlos Williams De. Sherif Abdulhameed Hamed Bahooty