Some have questioned whether one can speak of Terrorism Studies as a single field. The study of terrorism can indeed be approached from different disciplines such as criminology, political science, war and peace studies, communication studies or religious studies; as a consequence, one can interpret terrorism in different frameworks: acts of terrorism as crime; acts of terrorism as politics; acts of terrorism as warfare; acts of terrorism as communication; acts of terrorism as religious crusade/jihad. These are, as it were, five conceptual lenses through which we can look at terrorism. All of these ‘frames' are useful to understand better some aspects of some forms of terrorism. Yet it would be wrong to single out any one of these frameworks and claim that it is the ‘right' one. They are not mutually exclusive. An act of terrorist violence can be criminal and political at the same time, making it a political crime or a criminal offence with political repercussions. that reflecting the evolution of the field of Terrorism Studies and Outline some of the developments in the field of Terrorism Studies. Criminology and social policy share a common focus of concern and strategy of inquiry. Both disciplines concern themselves with ‘action' rather than ‘thought. To explore the relationship between criminology and social policy further, it is worthwhile to compare the outlook of two founders. Leon Radzinowicz in criminology and Richard Titmuss in social policy have had great influence on their respective disciplines The role of criminologists in a welfare state is complicated. Some argue criminologists should join their cousins in social policy in building and strengthening the welfare state. Others insist that criminologists should engage the role of outside provocateur; external critics who challenge the government to do something more or something else. These arguments reflect differing beliefs about the value of social-science knowledge and political strategies for bringing about social change. This study attempts to investigate and analyse both disciplines by demonstrating the similarities and differences between Criminology and Social Policy. this dissertation aims to explore the relationship between them and its impact on studying acts of terrorism as crime . At the end of the study , Pro: and Con: .