E-learning a patterns of distance education, it depends mainly on the use of communications technology and the Internet to deliver information to the learner less time and effort to be used as a mechanism for interaction between the learner and the teacher and the educational institution and the rest of the learners in order to ensure the means of communication and interactive learning process.
E-learning a mechanisms era of globalization creates for man pattern learning is very different from the traditional form of education, Education here is through the interaction between the learner and the means of education other electronic Caldros electronic virtual library and virtual universities, to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills needed in an era of technological development and the explosion of knowledge.
Initiated researcher find the following key words: distance education,E-learning, self-education.
the research problem can be identified in the following question: What Maltalim mail concept and its objectives and characteristics, elements and dimensions and characteristics?
The importance of this research of the importance of the subject itself , as the e-learning keep pace with developments in cognitive and scientific and technological progress , can be educated to learn self , with the development of themselves , as well as his contribution to raising the educational level of the community , and the scarcity of research and studies Arab Jamahiriya on the subject of education after a private e-learning research , this is a modest attempt by the researcher to shed light on the subject .
The purpose and aims of distance education to provide educational services for those who have missed opportunities for education for any reason , and as the e-learning pattern and form of distance education for the purpose of this research to identify all aspects of e-learning as a revolution of modern methods and techniques of education, and to identify the role of the teacher in e-learning and the conditions for the success of electronic teaching-learning process , and the characteristics of e-learning students .
The methodology is the way in which the researcher in the study of the problem to discover the truth , and to answer questions and queries raised by the research topic, has been chosen descriptive method imposed by the nature of the subject , but that approach fits a variety of topics educational more than other approaches .
The research questions are the same themes that answered by a purely as follows:
1- What a concept, objectives and characteristics of the elements and the dimensions and attributes of e-learning?
2- What are the themes and woke systems and sources of e-learning?
3- What is the importance and the advantages and benefits of e-learning, and the types and patterns?
4- What are the obstacles to e-learning and ways to overcome them?
5-What disadvantages of e-learning?
6- What is the role of the teacher in e-learning, and the conditions for the success of electronic teaching-learning process?
7-What are the characteristics of e- education students?
adopted researcher definition of e-learning is a way to teach using the communication mechanisms of modern computers and networks and Osaúth multiple of sound and image, graphics, and search mechanisms, and electronic libraries, as well as the gates of the global information network, whether they are after, or in the classroom, and it is intended to use technology of all kinds in the delivery of information learner shortest time and with less effort and greater utility.
The research found the following:
The e-learning is a new educational philosophy currently in the process of formation , formation escalate speed with the speed of development in information and communication technologies , these techniques can not argue about the need for relevance in today's world
It became known that the phenomenon major new raided educators and others is the acceleration massive information and communication technology and the emergence of the Internet as an example of this phenomenon, which flooded the institutions of society and Mnashth different , and it should be noted that there are a significant number of engineers, doctors, academics and technicians have adapted to the reality new technical but some educators are still reluctant to treat them with electronic technology .
That e-learning beyond the stage of adventure and educational Pat various dimensions of reality educationally pension globally , and we desperately need to dive into the CAB to take advantage of the best educational practices and learning provided by , and there is every indication that this type of education will be extended to various parts of the globe and will further increase the quality of graduates , We conclude by saying that e-learning needs is a short time until it snaps fully determined constants .
In the light of the concepts put forward by the research recommends the following:
1- Encourage scientific research in the field of e-learning and allocating financial support to conduct this research and dissemination.
2-The need to support electronic libraries and information centers by providing sources and references for students in the e-learning system.
3- Urged those interested in working in universities and electronic subscription services in the international information network online.
4- social mobilization among members of the community to interact with this type of education .
5-the need to contribute to educators in the education industry .
6-Develop training programs for students, teachers and administrators to make the most of technology.
7-the need to train workers on the e-learning curriculum design on the Internet.
8- embrace the call to hold seminars for media and media and techniques used in e-learning.
9- Electronic urged universities to plan long-term e-learning programs .
10-to conduct a study to determine the relationship using online curriculum in student achievement .
11- To cooperate with the media and connect to the service of this type of education .
12- Call Arab and regional organizations and interested international e-learning courses and to hold workshops and seminars for employees specialized scientific institutions in e-learning.
13- Providing the infrastructure for this kind of education is to prepare and trained manpower as well as providing the required communication lines that will help move this education from one place to another