When we look at the historical trajectory of any civilization as a gradual process of moving patterns of life from simplicity and fulfillment of necessities to complexity and diversity of requirements. By virtue of the Egyptian civilization historical precedence, it had a distinguished precedent in capturing every material of nature that contributed to achieve ritual richness. Where ritual practices were one of the most important features of Egyptian civilization throughout the history of its social and religious activities And manifested itself portrayed in the Islamic era, especially since the Mamlukera, At an early age, patterns of group communication moved from the level of seeking to provide the "necessities" of living to the level of concern for achieving "improvements" in life. Our gateway to examining an aspect of this passion for rituals and achieving improvements will be to observe pages of the Egyptian history of Perfumingsaffron on various occasions in the Mamluk era . Through an initial observation which indicated that Perfuming saffron consider a ritual that took place in social situations differed in the nature of its emotional component and varied in the nature of it's psychological effect, the behavior of Perfuming saffron included all classes of Egyptian society, where rulers use it as well as members of the common Egyptian people. The current study revolves around that historical period, with the beginning of the linguistic and idiomatic definition of Perfuming saffron, followed by an explanation of the various uses of the saffron plant. There are also some references that explain the precedence of the ancient Egyptian civilization to practice the ritual of perfuming saffron until the establishment of the Mamluk state, it became a prominent mark of the diversity of its images among the Strata of society in various situations that sometimes express joy and happiness, as well as show schadenfreude, the sources also mentioned pictures of the of perfuming messages, banners, clothing, shrouds, religious and civil architectural structures with saffron.