He is one of the falcon gods worshipped in Egypt, as many falcon gods worshipped through Egypt like Horus, Re, Re Horakhety, Montu, Sokar, Sopdu, Dedwen, Dwan anwi and Nemty. He is worshipped in khem (Letopolis). (M)Khenty irty is considered a universal god, whose eyes are the sun and the moon like god (Her wer).[i] He was known also as (M) Khenty n irty [ii](the one without two eyes in his face) or the blind one. He has a dual nature, sighted and blind. He was worshipped as Khenty-Khem (foremost one of Khem). Khenty-irty is associated to god Her wer (the elder Horus), Shu, and god Montu. The research aims at Spotting light on god (m) Khenty (n) irty and its role in the Egyptian Religion. The study identifies the different forms of this deity and the different forms of his name, referring to the sacred texts, where (m) Khenty (n) irty is mentioned.
[i] David Klotz, Adoration of the Ram : five hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis temple, New haven, 2006, 161
[ii] (M)khenty n irty associated to The shrew mouse and other blind animals lived under the ground, while (M)khenty irty associated to the Ichneumon and other animals having sharp eyes; see A. K. Eyma, C. J. Bennett , A Delta-man in Yebu , Canada, 2003, 218