Al-Mahmal is a pilgrimage mission, Moslems waited its parade, anxiously, which carried the Coverage of Kaaba to celebrate it, seeing off Al-Mahmal with great feelings and tears wishing to be among the pilgrims who visit the Holy places , then they waited for months the return of Al-Mahmal with the old kiswa ,which was cut into piece's to be distributed among the ancient mosques and some rich people. The Mahmal was a wooden frame which carried curtain and kiswa" caverage" of the Holy Kaaba, covered with brocaded silk. It took cubical shape of Kaaba in it's lower half, while the upper part took a pyramid or tent shape according to the historical period in which it was made or the country from which it came. Many camels took part at Al-Mahmal convoy, but one camel was devoted to carry the coverage of Kaaba. The departure of Al-Mahmal to the Holy lands and it's return was accompanied by celebrations, in which the princess, elite, scientists and the common people participate. The Egyptian pilgrimage mission was the biggest Arabic and Islamic one along the history due to it's preparation and celebration . it was characterized by on accurate system in it's formation and paths, as every one knew his limits ,duties and his task in the parade from the beginning to the end, and the mission grouped a great number of jobs reached 42 ones. So, it is clear that the Egyptian mission " Mahmal " has an accurate system in it's formation and design, It looked like a military army in its accuracy and it's hard regulations because it's a symbol of the sultan's dignity , greatness beside being an extraordinary ambassador, that represents Egypt in Mekka in pilgrimage time as the Moslems gathered from all over the world. The Mahmal parade left an impressive effects on the economic, social and cultural life in Egypt.