إن منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا تعتبر من المناطق التي يسودها انظمة سلطوية تسيطر على مجريات الحکم هذة الانظمة تعية عالية الحکم الديمقراطي
يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل الحکم الديمقراطي في دول شمال إفريقا من خال عدة مؤشرات وهي: -
القضاء على الفقر .
إنتخابات حرة ونزيهة .
حرية الرأي والتعبير
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is often regarded as an area that was mostly dominated by authoritarian regimes. These regimes form authoritarian constraints – especially during elections – hindering political development. This usually leads genuine opposition parties and movements to form alliances, in order to make demands for reforms by these authoritarian regimes. This notion is reinforced by the fact that, in the most recent set of elections held in the region prior to revolutions that took place in countries like Tunisia, Egypt & Libya, political parties perceived to be anti-democratic or state run have achieved important electoral victories. This article conducts an analysis of these pre-revolutionary elections in various MENA countries, namely Tunisia, Egypt & Libya, in an attempt to discern whether or not, results of these elections contributed to the revolutions that precipitated the abrupt end of decades of political dictatorships that governed the vast majority of countries in the Mena region. Dictatorships with corrupt military rule and the absence of institutions based on the rule of law, good governance and independent judicial systems, eventually gave way to the rise of protest against autocratic rule or political regimes prone to corruption and poor governance. The research looks at data that highlights certain patterns in the pre-revolutionary electoral process, as well as a content analysis of the constitutions of the three newly liberated countries prior to the revolutions. The article will also raise the question of whether the sole virtue of free and just elections is enough to achieve democracy
يقوم البحث بقياس هذه المؤشرات على ثلاث دول هي مصر، تونس، ليبيا وذلک بدراسة الوضع قبل وبعد الثورات العربية .