من المعلوم أن أي مجتمع لا يخلو من الجريمة والجنوح، تلک الظاهرة التي ازدادت في الفترة الأخيرة، بسبب التطورات الهائلة التي شهدتها الحياة في شتى المجالات، تلک التطورات التي انعکست في بعض جوانبها سلباً على ارتفاع معدلات الجريمة والجنوح، وأن هناک فئة من أفراد المجتمع کانوا أکثر تأثراً بذلک إلا وهم الأطفال، أي من تقل أعمارهم عن الثامنة عشرة، وهذه الفئة سنرکز عليها في هذا البحث، کونها الفئة التي تشکل الشريحة الأوسع في المجتمع والتي تحتاج إلى رعاية للمحافظة عليهم ووقايتهم من الانحراف والجنوح وإعادة دمجهم في المجتمع وأياً کانت أسباب الجنوح، فلا بد من مواجهتها من خلال اللجوء إلى أساليب وآليات خاصة بعدالة الأحداث تتمثل بضمانات الحدث الجانح أثناء مرحلة الاستدلال والمحاکمة وما بعد تنفيذ الحکم بموجب القانون الأردني للأحداث رقم (32) لسنة 2014 ومدى توافق هذه الإجراءات مع المعايير الدولية وهذا ما سنتحدث عنه بالتفصيل في هذا البحث، وکل ذلک للتوصل إلى هدف الدراسة المتمثل بالإجابة على العديد من التساؤلات والوصول لمجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات والتي يمکن إيجازها بالتالي:
1- هل قانون الأحداث الأردني رقم (32) لسنة 2014، صالح لتطوير إستراتيجية واضحة المعالم في مجال الإصلاح الجنائي للأحداث؟
2- هل هناک فجوة بين النصوص القانونية والتطبيق العملي لتلک النصوص؟
3- هل يتماشى قانون الأحداث الأردني رقم (32) لسنة 2014 مع المعايير الدولية والاحتياجات الوطنية والإقليمية؟
ما السبل الکفيلة بتطوير إستراتيجية واضحة المعالم والتطبيق في مجال العدالة الإصلاحية؟
The concept of Children's history back to a modern concept that refers to a specific age stage, which gives rise to its nature and needs, and forms of educational and legal responses to the early 20th century.
The first legal definition of childhood in the United States of America was made in 1899, as a result of the Chicago Women's Association protesting the treatment and exploitation of children in the city. This campaign was the starting point of a global movement whose efforts have led to a change in the societal outlook on children and children and have led to the creation of legislation based on psychological, educational and social bases that take into consideration the nature of children at risk and involved in conflict with laws.
Since then, the world has, to varying degrees, begun to pay attention to the rights of children in general and of children in conflict with the law. As a result, special laws have appeared in many countries under the name of the Juveniles Act and special courts that hear their cases.
The laws of juveniles are based on the psychological and educational foundations that emphasize that the child is a human being who is not fully mature, thus limiting the responsibility for the acts he or she commits. The benefits of the child and society necessitate reviewing the circumstances and environment in which the child lives and inviting on all concerned to bear their responsibilities Which serves the right of the child to stay away from mistakes and threats that may affect the integrity of his growth and the integrity of his behavior.
Therefore, the Jordanian Juveniles Law No. (32) Of 2014 contains many guarantees which guaranteeing justice for juveniles, which must include the culture of human rights and are based on international standards and the international conventions on these rights which are part of the international legal system.
The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the administration of Juvenile Justice (the Beijing Rules), adopted by the United Nations General Conventions in 1985, considered as the first treaties to define this modern policy. Juvenile justice is considered as part of the comprehensive framework of criminal justice Correctional.
Because of the importance of this study, this will be divided into the following: -
The first topic: The concept of juvenile delinquency phenomenon and its reasons.
The first section: The definition of the juvenile and the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency.
The second section: The reasons behind of the juvenile delinquency.
The second topic: Guarantees juvenile delinquent in the Jordanian juvenile law.
First section: Guarantees of juvenile delinquent in the stage of detection and investigation.
Second section: Guarantees of juvenile delinquent during the trial stage.
Third section: Guarantees of juvenile delinquent during the execution of the Judgment and alternative penalties.
Third topic: Guarantees juvenile delinquent in international standards.
First section: International reference rules on juvenile delinquents.
The second section: international guarantees for juvenile delinquent on the stage of detection and investigation.
Third section: International guarantees of juvenile delinquent during the trial stage.
Fourth section: International guarantees of juvenile delinquent during the execution of the Judgment and alternative penalties.
The fourth topic: Reforming criminal justice for juveniles.
The first section: The concept of criminal justice reform.
The second section: The extent of correspondence between the Jordanian Law on Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice Reform.