On March 2022, The Egyptian health council (EHC) law No. 12 for 2022 was issued promulgating a law establishing and organizing the Egyptian health council (EHC). It aims to organize the fields of health in Egypt in the areas of post-university education and specialized training, rehabilitation and development of the scientific and clinical level for all health workers. The main targets of this council are developing the level of medical education and health training for all health workers - especially physicians- in various medical specialties and testing them to verify that they are qualified efficient for safe medical and health practice. As well as achieving integration and cooperation in the field of health training, between the council and the various scientific agencies and scientific societies either local or international. Finally the council will be responsible for permitting a license to practice the profession to all physicians. Many challenges are facing this work which needs more and more effort and decisions to overcome economic, financial or logistic challenges. How to unify all of different visions and missions of all medical agencies and scientific committees in one system is the most challenging. To achieve all of targets of EHC; cooperation is mandatory between the council and the different scientific committees and agencies. Finally we may ask ourselves; will the Egyptian health council (EHC) be able to unite the different medical practice in one system? We hope that.
In conclusion: The Egyptian health council (EHC) law was issued to organize the fields of health in Egypt as regarding health workers especially the physicians training and education. Many economic, financial or logistic challenges are facing it. Cooperation is mandatory between the council and other agencies and different scientific committees to reach to the targets. Will the Egyptian health council (EHC) be able to unite the different medical practice in one system? We hope that.