Since the emergence of SARS-Cov2 (COVID-19) virus in December 2019, there is a dilemma in defining the ways of protection and therapy of this new strain of Coronavirus family. Many trials have been taken to protect healthy individuals from contracting infection. Basic infection control measures were applied. These include frequent hand hygiene, wearing respirator (e.g. N95) surgical or cloth mask, cough etiquette and adherence to physical distance (1-2 meters between two individuals). Plasma from recovered patients was tried with COVID-19 patients with severe conditions. In March 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) announced that COVID-19 became pandemic. Meanwhile, there has been a call for lockdown in different countries all over the world with limitation of working hours or working from home with virtual meeting. We are now in the 3rd wave of this aggressive virus. The rational of this editorial is that until now infection control measures are a comprehensive trial to mitigate or stop the spread of infections on the community level. We need a more stringent and effective way to stop the spread of the virus at the portal of entry. Vaccine development was in the agenda of WHO, Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pharmaceutical companies from the early beginning of COVID-19 emergence. Our aim was to clarify the role of community protection (herd immunity) in prevention of COVID-19 infection by universal introduction of vaccination policy.