Background: Bariatric surgery is considered to be the only effective treatment for morbid obesity. However, no consensus on the ideal procedure.
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) and laparoscopic greater curvature plication (LGCP) in short term weight loss for management of morbid obesity.
Patients and methods: Forty patients presented for the study during the duration between August 2014 and August 2016. The patients were randomly divided into two equal groups: group A subjected to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, and group B had laparoscopic greater curvature plication. All patients were submitted to preoperative assessment (history taking, physical examination, laboratory investigations, imaging studies, cardiopulmonary assessment), upper GIT endoscopy or Barium meal, and preoperative quality of life assessment. Patient education and supervised dietary instructions was provided. All patients were informed about the advantages and disadvantages of the two procedures and consented to be involved in this randomized study. The patient signed written consent for the procedure to be performed for him/her. Patients were followed up for overall outcome and postoperative complications.
Results: No major complications were observed in the early postoperative period. Two patients (one in each group) developed symptomatic cholelithiasis postoperatively. Five patients presented with mild stenosis symptoms (intermittent vomiting and intolerance to solid food), 3 patients were from group A and 2 from group B. There were no significant differences between the mean preoperative weights in both groups. After 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months, both groups experienced almost the same amount of weight loss. On the contrary, after 12 months follow up, group A demonstrated a greater weight loss. Percentage of excess weight loss was significantly higher among group A compared to group B. Similarly, EWL% was significantly higher among group A compared to group B after 2 weeks follow up. All patients had adequate weight loss except for 2 patients in group B. Quality of life was assessed at the end of follow up period. All patients had a good or very good outcome, reflecting the overall level of satisfaction of patients. Fifteen patients had a good outcome in group A compared to 12 in group B; while 8 patients in group A had a very good outcome compared to 5 in group B; and the difference was statistically non-significant.
Conclusion: Both laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic greater curvature plication had a reasonable outcome on morbid obesity management, with preference of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy after 12 months postoperatively in the degree of weight loss, and overall complications rate.